Course | |||||
induction (dc1) A Sample Induction Course | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 2. Dialyzer A la fin de ce cours, vous comprendrez mieux les différentes caractéristiques d'un dialyseur.
Nous aborderons les éléments essentiels tels que la conception, la performance et la biocompatibilité d'une membrane de dialyse.
Temps moyen... | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 2. Dialyzer By the end of this course you will better understand dialyzers and their different characteristics.
We will discuss essential elements such as the design, performance and biocompatibility of membranes.
Average time needed: 30 min | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 2. Dialyzer Am Ende dieses Kurses werden Sie mehr über Dialysatoren und ihre verschiedenen Eigenschaften wissen.
Wir werden wesentliche Elemente wie Design, Leistung und Biokompatibilität von Membranen besprechen
Benötigte Zeit für diesen Kurs: 30 min | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 2. Dialyzer By the end of this course you will better understand dialyzers and their different characteristics.
We will discuss essential elements such as the design, performance and biocompatibility of membranes.
Average time needed: 30 min | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 4. Vascular Access In this training, we will cover the following topics:
- What are the complications on fistula and their incidences
- What are the procedures?
- How much do complications cost?
- Can we minimize these complications?
- Nipro's solution
Time... | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 4. Vascular Access Dans cette formation, nous aborderons les sujets suivants:
- Quelles sont les complications sur la fistule et leurs incidences
- Quelles sont les procédures?
- Combien coûtent ces complications?
- Peut-on les minimiser?
- La solution de... | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 4. Vascular Access In this training, we will cover the following topics:
- What are the complications on fistula and their incidences
- What are the procedures?
- How much do complications cost?
- Can we minimize these complications?
- Nipro's solution
Time... | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 4. Vascular Access In dieser Schulung werden wir folgende Themen behandeln:
- Welche Shuntkomplikationen gibt es und wie häufig kommen sie vor?
- Welche Verfahren gibt es?
- Wie viel kosten Komplikationen?
- Können wir diese Komplikationen minimieren?
- Die... | |||||
PRODUCT LIBRARY / 2. Dialyzer In deze training leer je over...
De basiskenmerken van de dialysatoren. Gegroepeerd in drie groepen:
- Ontwerp
- Prestaties
- Biocompatibiliteit
Tijd nodig: 30 min |